Aboard the Nautilus

I’d done a post on this a long time back (2009), detailing what all softwares I use on a daily basis. This is an update to that post.

Since the last post, I’ve moved on to using Linux, using Elementary OS as my primary OS. Over the time period this post was written, I’ve shifted from using Cinnamon to Openbox and finally to elementaryOS’s pantheon as my Desktop Manager. I’m thinking of switching to Arch Linux, just to get a faster experience. I use Synapse as my application launcher, because its much faster than anything else out there.

For most of my web browsing needs, I rely on Google Chrome Stable and a daily build of Chromium (v31 as of now) for most of my work. I switch between them all the time. I use Firefox (stable) only to test out my projects from time to time.

The current editor I use is Sublime Text. It is everything you need, and much more. I’m still to get started using its build system, and its plethora of packages; but its still an excellent choice for a daily use editor. On the command line, I use Vim, git (with SCM Breeze), fasd and tig, which is an excellent git interface on the command line.

I listen to music on my own browser-based music player, called Muzi, YouTube and GrooveShark.

For my terminal needs, I use Gnome-Terminal. I use Byobu to manage my session, and often connect to it from other computers as well. Its an excellent multiplexer that fits in my workflow really well.

I use Imo.im on both the Desktop and my tablet to chat. I occasionally use ReText for editing markdown files. I use RedShift on my laptop and f.lux on my iPad to help me sleep better. I recommend it to everyone who is suffering from eye-strain or wants to sleep better.

On the browser, my most visited sites would be Hacker News (via hckrnews.com), WorkFlowy for managing my to-do list and GitHub on a daily basis for most of my projects.


I own a old Nokia X3-02, and will be upgrading to a Firefox OS Phone soon enough. I use a Dell Inspiron 1545 as my personal machine. I also use an iPad 2 (with 3G) on a daily basis (mostly for reading). I also own a Dayan Zhanchi 3x3 and a 5x5 shengshou speed cube.

iPad Apps

The must have iPad apps for me are Chrome, imo, and iBooks. I have installed Mailbox alongside GMail, and haven’t used GMail since I installed it. I sometimes write stuff using Plaintext, and sketch using Paper. I read my RSS feeds using Newsify and Feedly.


Chrome Extensions that I use on a daily basis include Chime for wonderful notifications (highly recommended), Ghostery for getting a tracker-free internet , HTTPS Everywhere to keep me secure, LastPass to manage passwords and Stylish for customizing the looks of various websites.

Dream Setup

My dream setup would consist of a lightweight Ubuntu Laptop that I can carry around that still has lots of processing power and battery life. I’ll prety much be satisfied by any high-end Android phone as long as it has a decent battery life.

Published on September 21, 2013