DNS Privacy Policy

This policy covers applies to the following services (called resolver):

  1. DNSCrypt Resolver
  2. DoH Resolver

The policy aims to be compliant with Mozilla’s Trusted Recursive Resolver (TRR) program.


Date Change
2019-05-12 Draft Version published
2019-05-28 Second Draft see diff


Your data is not logged by default. If it has to be logged, it will be deleted within 1 hour. No queries or respones are modified, and no domains are blocked or filtered. If law enforcement forces me to do anything of the above, the block list will be updated, along with an Annual Transparency Report. Your data (even anonymized or aggregate) will never be sold or shared with another third party.

What happens when you use the resolver?

When you make a DNS Query to the resolver over either DNS-over-HTTPS or using DNSCrypt, the following information is transmitted from your end:

  1. Domain Name that you are querying (such as fun.captnemo.in)
  2. Your IP Address (such as

The resolver then translates the domain name to an IP address by querying the authoritative nameserver for the domain (ns.captnemo.in for eg). This query is made by the resolver on your behalf with no information about you passed to the nameserver. It also caches this response.

Terms of the Privacy Policy

“Identifiable User Data” (below) can refer to either your IP Address, or any other information that can be used to identify you (such as a set of unique domains that you’ve visited).

“Aggregate User Data” refers to anonymized user information, such as the number of requests received from a given IP Address over time.

This Privacy Policy guarantees the following:

  1. No user data (identifiable or aggregate) will be retained beyond 1 hour.
  2. Identifiable user data may be retained for upto 1 hour, in some circumstances.
  3. User data in any form (identifiable or aggregate) will not be retained, sold, or transferred to any third party.
  4. The resolver does not combine the data it collects with any other offering or service.
  5. No entity or person will be granted any rights to the collected user data.
  6. The resolver supports DNS Query Name Minimization as defined in RFC 7816.
  7. The client subnet DNS extension is disabled on the resolver. This means that your IP Address or your Subnet information is not transmitted to the upstream resolver that is used.


The following matrix lists down all the data that the resolver receives, and what can be done to it.

Refers to data being sent to the upstream nameservers.
Data being stored locally or not.
If the data is stored, for how long.
What can be done with the stored data.
Data Transmitted Collected Retention Usage
Domain Name Yes Rarely 1h Debugging
Client IP/Subnet No Rarely 1h Debugging
User Agent No No NA NA
Cipher Suite No No NA NA
Anything else No No NA NA

Debugging in the above refers to scenarios where I may turn on server logging for debugging purposes while trying to resolve an issue. This may log certain data that will be deleted as per the retention period.

Legal Requests for user data will be responded to with “Data not available” since no user data is stored on the server. Legal Requests for any other information about the service will be dealt with as per the law.


The privacy policy for the resolver is publicly published at https://captnemo.in/dns/privacy. Any changes to this policy will be documented here, and communicated in advance to the Mozilla Trusted Recursive Resolver Program.

Transparency reports for the resolvers is published on an annual basis. The reports will include:

  1. Resolver Health over the last year
  2. Type and Number of user data requests received from Law Enforcement, if any.
  3. Type and Number of user data requests answered from Law Enforcement, if any.
  4. List of domains blocked throughout the year, if any.
  5. Changes in Privacy Policy, if any.
  6. Changes in Operating Principles for the resolver.

Transparency Reports for the following years are published below:

Blocking and Modification

Operating Principles

I (Abhay Rana) run this resolver with your Privacy and Security in mind. I’m an InfoSec professional with enough experience to do this safely. The resolver runs out of the Digital Ocean Bangalore Region, which is colocated with NetMagic IT Services Private Limited in Electronic City Bangalore. The Data Center is both SOC1 and SOC2 certified.

The resolver is co-located on a Droplet that runs a few other personal webservices.

The objectives of the resolver:

  1. Maintaining security of the Infrastructure hosting it.
  2. Upholding privacy of the users using it.
  3. Being transparent about its operations.
  4. While running within Indian Jurisdiction.